Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie
That's f*cking frightening. Anyone whose colourful gets thrown in the wash until they're grey. 
this kid was high functioning autistic but sometimes he was just doin kid stuff. when he would do somethin that i didnt see typical of a normal 8 yr old, id do somethin about it. id usually quickly ask myself 'would anyone else in the class do this' and if the answer was no, id take him to the hallway or somethin dependin on what he was doin
but when a supervisor or specialist would sit-in, they'd ask me why i didnt document certain things. it was because they werent a big deal. but they want every little thing documented, which i kinda understand since they arent always around and maybe it can help paint a bigger picture, but truthfully i think its so companies can add as much **** as possible to progress reports. so when they submit reports to insurance companies or the government or wherever, they get more funding
sorry just ventin about past jobs lol i dont get the chance that often