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Old 11-04-2013, 04:21 PM   #247 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by Dayvan Cowboy View Post
My neurologist used to come up with a new diagnosis every week. Ive had add, adhd, aspergers, ocd, odd, depression, childhood anxiety....

Not once did the neurologist just say "she acts like that because she is a child" and I have literally outgrown every single one of those diagnosis. Where does being a child end and mental disorder begin?

Edit: I find it funny they didn't catch on to the one mental disorder I actually have until much later. Body dysmorphia suxxxxxx
exactly. way too many diagnoses goin on in the world tryin to explain things. kids will be kids. i really get tired in this industry of ppl makin excuses for others and themselves. theres a different between figurin out how someone gets from new-born child to violent 17 yr old tryin to put you in a choke hold for tellin him we are out of chocolate milk, and excusin the behavior. ppl with mental illness can still be dicks contrary to the belief of some.

i remember when i worked in a 2nd grade classroom with a kid. and had to docuent every little thing. im like dude, yeah he made a fart noise with his hands and disrupted class, hes a kid, this isnt reason to sit around at a staff meeting and over analyze this

Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
Maybe quacks are encouraged to invent and falsely diagnose disorders? Medicine is big business.
i think so. look at the number of pill addicts and junkies in this country. they are almost all losers in my experience. how do they get on these drugs in the first place? how are they available? cause some doc prescribes some lazy kid some adderal which he doesnt really need and he sells them to all his buddies. just a small example, it happens with every kind of pill. society ends up with more junkie losers, pharma companies profit heavily. thats why my kid will never take pills unless its a dire reason. youre right it is huge business
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