Music Banter - View Single Post - Old pixies Vs New pixies
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Old 11-01-2013, 05:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
Black Francis
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Default Old pixies Vs New pixies

Holy shi- did you guys know the pixies are back?

they released a 4 song Ep last month i believe
if you haven't heard them seek them out on Youtube the new songs are called

-Andro queen
-Another toe in the ocean
-Indie Cindy
-What goes boom

Now, alot of pixies fans are already criticising their new sound
saying the old pixies are better and that this new stuff sounds like frank black's solo stuff so i was wondering what you guys opinion is on this..

Are you liking their new stuff? do you prefer the old pixies?

i made this an individual thread instead of posting it in the pixies thread because im trying to focus how their sound has changed and how in this process they have divided their fanbase into ppl who are not digging their new stuff and ppl who are on board with this new sound

imma post one of their new songs so you guys get an idea of their new sound


What do you guys think?
"Hey Kids you got to meet the MIGHTY PIXIES!"
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