Music Banter - View Single Post - Lou Reed dead at 71.
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Old 10-29-2013, 07:46 AM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frownland View Post
Definitely a bummer to hear he's passed, metal machine music is in my top ten favourite albums and of course the vu is fantastic. Can't say that I'm surprised, though because of his drug use and all. Still a damn shame .
Once I bought MMM at the local Goodwill and played it right away, it was an experience. A lot of Industrial, Post Punk, Noise, and a lot of other works owe a hell of a lot to what was unleashed through that work. A lot of people can say what they will about it, but so what. I'm also convinced that it was one hell of a way to end a contract - not with an over-reaching (but usually still interesting) album guaranteed to sell little and generate oohs and aahs from the critics, not with a half baked thrown together contract filler, but with one mighty slab of noise that had one of the finest endings of all time (serious opinion!). Also, MMM was also a great example of how he did things his way with a work that people still talk about.

My opinion for the comment on Lulu, (posted by I think bob), it's clear that he was very proud of it by reading a lot of his reactions to questions about the criticisms. It got a reaction not by being a half baked LCD throwaway, but by being an interesting experiment between Reed and Metallica that challenged a lot of it's listeners. OK, so it was a disappointment to many, but it did have it's fans.

His weeks will always beat our years!
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