My system comprises of:
Sugden Masterclass CD player
Sugden Masterclass pre amp
Sugden Masterclass class A solid state power amp
Proac Future Point Five loudspeakers
Isotek Titan mains conditioner
Nordost Valkyrja XLR balanced interconnects (2 pairs)
Chord Company Signature loudspeaker cable (2 pairs) in a bi-wire config
Van Den Hul Mainsstream mains cables (x3)
All the main components are British and hand built. I won't list it's value. I'm too embarassed to.
I don't usually go for same brand systems but the Masterclass components work so well together that they add up to a sum greater than their individual parts.
Sound quality is warm, organic, almost analogue-like, and incredibly musical. The kind of system you can play loud for hours with no listening fatigue.
I'd post pics but I'm too lazy to put them on a hosting site.