Music Banter - View Single Post - Most Underrated/Overrated Artists
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Old 10-26-2013, 03:46 PM   #11 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Pierrefonds, Quebec
Posts: 25

Journey- good band with some good songs, but I never considered them to be an elite band. Certainly not compared to Led Zeppelin, The Who, or any of those bands.

Nickelback- I like some of their songs, but their music sounds almost exactly the same in all of their songs.

George Michael(solo)- I thought he was good in WHAM, but never saw what was so good with his solo work.

Britney Spears- never was a fan of her singing and thought she was solely image.

Savage Garden- they did have two hot songs, but I always felt they got the short end of the stick since boy bands were big at the time and Savage Garden wasn't really a boy band like Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, and 98 Degrees were.

Janet Jackson- living in Michael Jackson's shadow will do that. Always liked Janet's songs and thought she was a solid singer and had catchy songs.

Smash Mouth- there have been very few artists where I enjoyed every song on the album and that was the case with Smash Mouth's first two albums.

Christina Aguilera- to me, she was 10x the singer Britney was, but was second fiddle to her.
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