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Old 10-26-2013, 11:58 AM   #2 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
This is so fucking silly like really having good grammar doesn't negate you from being an asshole or make you anything special whatsoever. I used to care about it and judge people on their spelling/grammar till I realised who really cares if you understand their meaning? I mean, especially on the internet, you don't know if you're coming across someone with a learning disability or whos first language isn't English.

Although tbh I will take the piss out of people for it if I think it's a funny spelling/grammar mistake, i.e. Marie w/ "I don't really drunk much"

but nitpicking on grammar/spelling translates, in my mind, to "I don't have an actual intelligent rebuttal to your point so I'm going to condescend to you b/c of some shit no one cares about"
You apparently care enough to post about it, meanwhile I'm trolling the hell out of you poor people. On da internets. Don't blow a gasket. You will be ok!
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