Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
Eggs are alright to eat past the best before date aren't they? Got some that ran out on the 20th & I hate wasting food.
That curry won't be happening btw. ASDA didn't have ghee ffs  . So didn't buy the lamb & just bought everything that won't go off. Will make it next week hopefully.
I've noticed your food pics and ideas on here before and you've clearly got the best taste in food on the forum, I love lamb curry and it not always easy to get, so it's usually best made at home.
I wouldn't suggest using eggs that have passed their sell by date in theory, but the acid test for most food is the look and the smell, if they look and smell ok then you're probably going to be ok. As you probably know, use by dates are largely an idea just to get people to buy more, as people get concerned about dates and chuck before they've finished the product. Some foods the date is fairly accurate and others you can go well past it.