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Old 10-24-2013, 09:33 PM   #8 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Fossilized shoeprints? They were discovered near Antelope Springs, Utah in June 1968 by an amateur fossil expert named William J. Meister. Since that time, numerous other shoe prints and footprints have been found in the area including those of children. I gave the age as 2-5 million years as the period of time it takes for prints in mud to turn into solid rock. However, the Utah prints are unique in that at least two trilobites were found crushed and embedded in the prints. Trilobites first appeared in the Early Cambrian period starting about 540 million years ago. They disappeared in the Permian period about 250 million years ago.

That makes these shoe prints about 250 million years old. It seems too incredible to be true. Science in general rejects this fossil evidence saying that the prints are simulacra—something naturally formed but insubstantial that resembles something artificial or man-made. And yet what are the odds that nature could haphazardly form two simulacra in close proximity that just happen to resemble a left and right shoe both in shape and size? What about the other prints that have since been discovered in the area? All simulacra apparently. The fossil-hunters had the prints examined by various shoe manufacturers who are very frequently consulted by police to identify shoe prints left at crime scenes and whose testimony in court can convict or acquit a suspect. Without exception, they identified the prints as being shoes. The heels of the shoes are easily discernible. Detailed analysis detects stitching all around the soles (pointing to shoes not sandals or moccasins—not that either of those would be any less astonishing) and the front of the prints depict exactly the type of depression one finds when someone is walking and pushing off with the toes. Chemist Melvin Cook from the University of Utah concurs that these are human footprints.

200 million + year-old shoeprint discovered in Nevada.

This shoeprint was discovered in Nevada in solid granite and dated to at least 15 million years.

And you can find a million creationist websites claiming this proves the earth is only thousands of years old and a million more science websites swearing up and down that this "bad archaeology."

What other bad archaeology can we unearth? How about the Klerksdorp Sphere?

The sphere was found in a South African Precambrian mineral deposit. It is actually rather small with three grooves. It certainly looks artificial but has been dated at 2.8 billion years. Yes, billion. Artificial or natural? Before you answer, it’s made of metal. Maybe it was mis-dated.

Thousands of the little metal parts were found in the Urals in the 1990s. Some are so small they are literally microscopic (1/10,000 of an inch). They were found in sediment 3 to 40 feet deep by gold miners. This would make them anywhere from 20,000 to 100,000 years old.
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