Originally Posted by The Batlord
But I'm assuming there was an escalating series of pranks.
There were I just left out all of the other pranks and got to the ultimate conclusion of the prank war.
It started out pretty tame with rubbing off the stucco ceiling onto my bed sheets and then covering it up so when I got into bed all that little white rocks were in it.
He ruined one of my uniforms with the whole water over the door drink but along with water he also had vinegar in it. I had to get it dry cleaned. It wasn't coming out with regular washings. I don't know what else he had in it but it had to have been more than just vinegar.
There were more but yeah I ended it with the blow to his wardrobe because he was such a pretty boy.
I wouldn't have even cared Fred if you set my clothes on fire.
I didn't have that many casual clothes to lose in the process and I could have easily replaced them. If they were my uniforms I might have been a bit more pissed off though.
This was before my loan sharking business so I wasn't completely rolling in dough yet.
I take it you are a pretty boy as well Fred?