Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
Anyone done anything really cu ntish that you just look back on and think 'fuc king hell that was a bit out of order'? There must be some great stories on here.
Let it all out  .
I don't know if my story stands up the standards of what you are looking for. I doubt it but anyways.
When I was in A-School our bunkers had like 3 - 4 people per room. At this point in time, I only had two other roommates. There was this one kid that was such a pretty boy and loved his clothes so much. We started a huge prank war and kept going back and forth with each other. I ended the war when I decided that it would have been funny to get bleach and pour it all over his clothes. I left his clothes in a pile on the floor and doused it in bleach. He wanted to fight me so badly after that happened and people in our hallway were hyping up this fight so much. We ended up fighting but it was a short quick fight and no one really won because it got broken up. He ended up threatening to take me to small claims court to sue me for damages. So I ended up settling with him on a certain amount and paid him off over time every payday.