Originally Posted by butthead aka 216
also up to the person 'offended' to realize context and situations. we can all be a bit reasonably objective to decide whats really offensive. i literally made one joke that wasnt a personal dig at all, its really smeenus problem from here on out. best course of action seems for him to block me and let it ride
I don't think you'll ever get it but if he finds something offensive even if you don't understand it then just don't do it anymore once he has said something about it. You didn't think it was personal but he felt like it was personal and that's all that matters is that he found it personal you can continue to be a chode if you want or you can realize that you offended him and stop.
Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
Regarding the car joke, I have absolutely no idea what is wrong with it cos it had nothing to do with drugs/addiction which is what Pauls original point was about.
like I said earlier you don't have to understand why Paul was mad at it you just have to realize that he was mad about it and leave it at that.