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Old 10-22-2013, 02:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
You and 216 need to understand that if a so called joke bothers someone and they don't see it as a joke then just knock it off even if you don't think the person should take it seriously. It's not up to you to decide that.
also up to the person 'offended' to realize context and situations. we can all be a bit reasonably objective to decide whats really offensive. i literally made one joke that wasnt a personal dig at all, its really smeenus problem from here on out. best course of action seems for him to block me and let it ride

most my jokes are in a mokcing fashion towards tumblr and women but they hold a lot of truth. nothins really that offensive i mean just look at how many times ive denied the bait on this site. plenty of times.
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