Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
I don't see how any of this can piss you off mate, I think you're allowing yourself to be wound up. That car comment is just a standard joke & something I'd say and mean nothing hurtful by it whatsoever.
Not even wumming, but surely if 216 winds you up, it'd be best to just completely ignore him and not point out all the things that piss you off, which is basically saying to him 'these are the things that annoy me, so please carry on doing them'?
I can see that 216 revels in winding people up a bit on here but he's the best in the business tbh, he knows exactly what he's doing and people fall for it every time lol.
You and 216 need to understand that if a so called joke bothers someone and they don't see it as a joke then just knock it off even if you don't think the person should take it seriously. It's not up to you to decide that.