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Old 10-21-2013, 02:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
Paul Smeenus
David Hasselhoff
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
burning down, you know i deny bait

neo ya said it yourself bud. i goof around. big difference between goofing and being serious. i believe you were even there when smeem went off the deep end on me for no reason lol. so lets not pretend they are in any wya similar cause youre smart enough to know the difference

That's fucking IT. I've HAD IT.

1. My name is S_M-E-E-N-U-S. With a fucking *N*. I asked you and asked you and ASKED you REPEATEDLY to PLEASE get my name right. The more I said it, the more more you came off with that idiotic "smeem". Including the night you're talking about. TWICE.

2. You then decided in Plug to say something about me (again with the stupid "smeem") being the ganja king or something like that. I would've thought I'd made it abundantly clear that I'm a recovered alcoholic, and in fact I heard you say later that you knew that I had substance abuse issues. So it shouldn't be a surprise that I don't find that one little bit funny. And I said so in no uncertain terms. I said (as close to verbatim as memory allows)

"FUCK THAT. I would rather suck on the tailpipe of a running car than a bong". (For the record, this would also be true of the barrel of a loaded gun)

Your response to that was "what kind of car?". That PISSED me off. Still does. That's not "joking around", that's baiting me.

3, And you then took it to tinychat, and was playing the victim and oh poor me, smeem (grrrr) (actually now that I remember it that's when you decided to prove that you knew my name is Smeenus) went off on me over nothing". Well, my life is no fucking joke. Maybe yours is. In any case, the mods (BD) told you to knock it off, that you were baiting me. You're STILL baiting me. Weeks later.

And so here we are. Yes, I'm taking the bait, but you're baiting me. All this is calculated to get under my skin. You PROVE that by continuing to address me as "smeem" when you know I don't like it. Just to be clear, almost everything about you pisses me off. I hate the stupid affectation in the way you post, we all know that you know where your shift key is, we all know that you know how to spell or at least spell check, we all know that you know where the G key is and that it belongs at the end of the ING suffix. But all that is my problem. I also hate just about every opinion of yours, and I think some of them (especially the misogyny and the homophobia) are calculated to offend for the sake of stirring shit, but that's also my problem.

But if you keep posting this shit, about how you're just kidding around and I'm just unreasonable, you're baiting. I'm done with it. Stop posting about me. Don't fecking talk to me in Plug. Stop calling me smeem. In fact I would prefer that you don't speak of me in any way. You don't exist. I opened this particular post because I knew it was going to be about me, trust me I usually don't see anything you post. That will continue unless or until I'm made aware you're not letting this go. I want no part of you. Leave it that way. Leave me alone.

I know I'm no saint. I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea. I'm determined however to set the record straight, I had a reason to react that night.

Mods, if you don't see it fit to post this, I will understand.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Basically you're David Hasselhoff.
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