Originally Posted by WhateverDude
I'm not a huge fan either. But, to be fair (perhaps this belongs in another thread), I think grunge is to the 90s as emo is to the early 00s. Basically the bands that defined the sound had all broken up or changed quite a bit by the time the trend caught on and what ended up being remembered was all the bands that sounded exactly like Pearl Jam or a sub-par Nevermind-era Nirvana. I remember emo becoming the huge trend in Junior High, everyone and their mothers had a stupid haircut and ironic t-shirts from Mervyns before it went bankrupt. And now we have hipsters, yay!!!
Now where do you get off putting down grunge, emo and hipsters after getting your skivvies in a knot about me doing the same with modern punk? That's a tad hypocritical, dontcha think? What makes them less valid than punk?
Seriously, tell me exactly what you think makes grunge, emo and hipster less valid than punk?