Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
The characters of the show feel very inconsequential to the overall Marvel cinematic universe that I just can't picture FitzSimmons meeting Iron Man or Captain America. That kind of runs counter point to what the stated purpose of the show was to be about, world building for future Marvel movies and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. feels like what the Teen Titans are to the Justice League.
I never thought they would be meeting anybody big. The
real world of superheroes would require far more special effects than a non-HBO television show could ever afford. Not to mention I'm sure it would cost far too much to have Samuel L. Jackson show up for anything but a two minute cameo and Robert Downey Jr. would be the same I imagine. I just don't like the characters cause they're boring. Sky is the only one I even kind of like, and she'd be mediocre at best on any of his other shows. Joss is really just phoning this one in for the paycheck.