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Old 10-18-2013, 10:11 AM   #176 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Out of wedlock birthrates and high crime rates isn't a result of Black culture! it is the result of being ghettoized & impoverished from years of racial discrimination.
You say that as though there is no connection. There's a HUGE connection.

From this article:
Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate - Health - Women's health | NBC News

The black community's 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.


Lucas says 42 percent of all black women and 70 percent of professional black women are unmarried.

That means black women of lesser economic status and lower education are actually more likely to be married. So while impoverishment IS a cause of illegitimate birth, it is clearly not the only dynamic at work in the black community.

I visited an online forum a few months ago populated mainly by black women. I didn't post, I just wanted to see what topics were being discussed. The very first thread I saw listed was titled: "Are black men marriageable?" It had thousands of responses and was already three years old and still getting responses every day. Can you imagine white women asking this question about white men? Clearly there is a problem in the black community and it is affecting blacks regardless of their economic status or education level. And if that doesn't have an enormous impact on black culture, what the hell does? If impoverishment and prison don't have an enormous impact on black culture, what the hell does? If a generation of blacks growing up with only one parent doesn't have an enormous impact on black culture, what they hell does? And if a music is telling young black men that to be a success, they need to act like Scarface (a very popular movie among young blacks), well, what do you think is going to happen?

Why Do Rappers Love Scarface?

To the question "Why do black people like Scarface so much?" Here was a black person's answer:

Probably the same reason why most white guys things like likes Jackass the movie. Different tastes for different cultures.

More specifically, because Scarface represents a non-white guy from basically the ghetto, who made it big with toughness, smarts, and force in a country where it's hard to go so far so fast if your not a well off white dude.

So, you see, blacks know it is culture. The only people who don't are bleeding-heart PC liberals who will blame everybody but blacks because they think that would make them a racist.

In short, being at the bottom of the food chain in a post culture war environment.
Again, this excuses blacks for self-destructive trends in their communities which cannot be fixed by anyone BUT blacks themselves. And with this "It's not your fault" mentality, don't expect that to happen any time soon.
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