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Thread: No punk today
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Old 10-17-2013, 10:24 PM   #4 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Well they were highly influential, but then they also site the Canadian band, DOA as well as being influential too. I heard they had reputation as being (one of the) best Punk band during that era. The Bad Brains were a Jazz fusion band before they were Punk and were a Reggae band when they stopped. The point is they were musician - myth-busting that Punk was only music for those who don't know how to play they instruments.
Yes, Bad Brains switched over to reggae. Again, as hardcore was dying, ad Brains decided to get out of it while the getting was good. They were great musicians. I think it was Ian MacKaye who said he was playing bass until his band was on the same bill as Bad Brains and he got to watch Daryl play bass and Ian said he realized he was wasting his time because Daryl blew him away and Ian became strictly the singer/shrieker (best shrieker in the business) and they got Brian Baker to play bass and then Steve Hansgen.

Minor Threat were also very good musicians. When Brian Baker moved over to guitar and teamed up with Lyle--that was some damn fine guitar-playing going on there.

Suicidal Tendencies were good musicians as were Crucif-ucks--damned good drummer. Dayglo Abortions were good musicians. Fear were great musicians and Lee Ving was really a blues singer.

And needless to say Naked City are excellent musicians--some of the best to be found in ANY genre. And they'll blow your face out to boot.
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