Originally Posted by WhateverDude
I would really love for you to elaborate on what was funny about that post. Seriously, please enlighten me.
That you actually think I was putting down working people. I'm talking about people who conform just to conform. Who never question anything and when they do it's the wrong questions. Who watch Idol religiously and can't wait to see the winner when he or she goes on tour. Who can't listen to ANYTHING unconventional because they can't process anything different. They don't want anything different.
People who have few if any books in their houses and who use the internet for nothing but porn and social networking. Who believe there's a god who gives a f-uck about them, who proclaim themselves Catholic or Protestant but who don't have a clue what's in the bible except for what their clergyman tells them.
Or those people who don't care about anything except themselves, who want life to be a big f-ucking party. As long as they have their party time they don't give s-hit what's going on in the world.
People who stare at their TV screens for hours when they could be doing ANYTHING ELSE.
It doesn't matter what class they occupy or what their education level is. They are the everyday people who don't want any real change. They are the pathetic, self-pitying whiners who cry, "We're always helping people in other countries, when's someone gonna help me???"
They like rap because it's something they can do without being bothered to learn an instrument.
They want routine, they want to be told what to do, what to believe, what to eat, how to dress, what to drive. It's easier than figuring it out for themselves.
If you or you're family fall into that, well, then I guess it was directed at you. But not because you work. I work too.