Originally Posted by WhateverDude
Some people actually have to WORK for a living. They can't just coast off on student loans or trustfunds well into their 30s and expect it all to just work out. There's nothing wrong with authority if it's not oppressive and there's nothing wrong with being a part of the crowd if that's what gets your bills paid. Have you ever been homeless? It ****ing sucks man and I'm sure you'd wear the uniform if homelessness was the alternative. Henry Rollins used to work at Hagen Dasz before Black Flag. Minutemen wrote working class anthems- their parents were mechanics and waitresses. Ian Mackaye's parents were like pastors or missionaries or something I forget which. There's plenty of working class gents and dames who defy religion, myself included. I take some pretty serious offense to your statements, do I come across as some brainwashed automaton to you, poshboy?
Of the three times I've been without a home, none of them were all that great.