Originally Posted by Lord Larehip
I don't know!! But you're talk as though you do know and I am asking you--DO YOU KNOW? Quit trying to change the subject and just answer the question: Do you know any of the guys in the Ramones?
Nope, but I learned about them. Same way you learned about them. Any less relevant? No. Moving on.
Yeah and? Doesn't mean they can't be influenced by anything. I was friends with the wife of Frank Discussion of Feederz and he was a total Situationist at that time. I don't know about now. Liking what you like and bowing down to authority are not exactly the same thing.
Dada is a pretty embracing movement to take on when you're trying to counter the previous movements. It actually traces back to some of the Beatles' and Bowie's songwriting, which doesn't seem like their biggest points of inspiration; though Bowie helped the Stooges out and the Beatles took from Phil Spector, they highlighted proggier elements of music that I don't think Punk rock would have exactly wanted to take cues from.
Originally Posted by Lord Larehip
But I asked him point-blank if he knew these guys and i can't get a straight answer. H enever said anything about documentaries or anything else. If that's where he learned what he clams to know about these guys then he would have said so. He's making an assumption and stating it as though it is fact. And he knows he overstepped his boundaries and got called on it.
Hey, if you want to sit here and lie, that's fine, but I did point you to a source, go look back at my reply before last. But you're actually the one getting called on bulls
hit here, I'd like to not be projected upon.
Originally Posted by Lord Larehip
I never said they were!
Oh, you didn't, my bad, I just misunderstood you when you said:
Originally Posted by Lord Larehip
You mean you didn't know punk was dada??
The other guy was saying they were too anti-intellectual to be influenced by something like dada. I asked him how he knows that and it seems that he doesn't.
How do you figure? Is it because I didn't agree?
All I said was that they could have been since when you're playing an underground band in a big city you WILL meet a lot of people and make a lot of connections and get turned on to a lot of stuff you didn't know about before.
Yeah, like Hip Hop. And since I'm not listing enough documentaries for you,
I'm speaking from personal experience and if it happened to me, why wouldn't have happened to the Ramones?
You didn't play when or where the Ramones played, as the Ramones or their peers. That's possibly why.