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Thread: No punk today
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Old 10-13-2013, 11:12 AM   #6 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Originally Posted by Surell View Post
It is true that they may have met and it is possible that they could have got along, but a full on embrace from a bunch of kids whose only interests were sniffing glue, ****ing, and three chord progressions they could hardly play who were also extremely skeptical of people looking to tell them how things should be, so how much they consciously allowed influence to permeate. Also, I would think abstract expressionism would go back to cubism from around the first world war, but maybe that's nitpicking.

Also, the pop isn't too hard to hear in the Ramones' songwriting, but a list of influences are listed on their Wikipedia.
You act like you personally knew this guys. Did you?
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