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Thread: No punk today
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Old 10-09-2013, 08:14 PM   #65 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle View Post
I gotta tell ya, that was one of the dumbest things I've ever read. The due date expired? I didn't realize our urge to protest an overbearing system, which has only gotten worse since the old punk days, had spoiled. I didn't realize our strive towards freedom had gone bad.
Punk today is now part of what real punk once rebelled against.

Oh hey guys, go ahead and stop voicing your opinions, stop taking stands, punk has expired.
I certainly never said that. Did you actually read any of my posts on this thread or just part of the opening sentence before shooting back a reply?

If there was a true punk mentality, they wouldn't be doing what?
Playing something that's already been done instead of moving it to a new level. I'll give Naked City credit. They've probably done the most to get punk in line with a new zeitgeist but they also have an extensive jazz background--Frisell, Baron, Horvath are all famous jazz musicians. They were able to move punk because they had someplace to move it.

That's a pretty conformist-ish thing to say, that punk has a due date.
I think it's conformist to play something that had its heyday 30 years ago.

I'll be playing in basements, handing out flyers and pamphlets, starting protests, marching down the streets, and all that till I die.
I guess you just gotta be a punk to see it all.
You just have to have not been old enough to remember people doing all of that 30 years before. How do you expect it to end any differently? Look at what they did and try something else or they did it for nothing. And so are you, for that matter.
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