The Cure has covered way more territory than The Smiths, even within the years where The Smiths were still together and including both Morrisey and Johnny Marr's side projects/solo careers post-Smiths. HOWEVER, in contrast, I think The Smiths did one thing well: Jangly guitars and mopey sad sack (homoerotic) persona- they stepped out of that frame here and there but that's what they're known for. The Cure does and continues to do the mopey sad sack thing but have done so much more. In three years they went from 3 Imaginary boys TO PORNOGRAPHY. That's a huge leap with a lot of variety in between, too. The Cure had some ****ty albums, some filler-songs, but they did more with their music and since The Cure really is mostly Robert Smith, I think he's the better artist (what a funny concept) when compared to Morrisey or Marr. All that said I'm actually not a huge fan of either.
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead