I thought it would be cool to have a thread dedicated to bands new or old, on the cusp of breaking through or flying lightyears under the radar, from poster's hometowns. Just drop some names, some vids, a description, whatever. It'll be cool, I promise. Tell your friends! I've tried this on other music forums and it's never taken root, I'm hoping it's not a sign because it seems like a real rad idea. Hopefully this one will flourish!
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Scenes from SF, Berkley, Oakland, and some south bay cities (IE San Diego) are kinda all mixed together over here. As a fan mainly of punk rock, my list is
somewhat unvaried. Here's some bands that kick ass from my area:
Big Kids: post-hardcoreish, mathy, emoish, alt-rockish, pretty heavy and sick from Oakland.
Summer Vacation: lo-fi as **** emo ala Algernon Cadwallader, Snowing... nothing new but still good. They are from Oakland.
Tony Molina: This guy's really awesome. I saw him open for Joyce Manor a while ago and was immediately hooked. (SUPER) short songs, fuzzy, riff-y, heavy guitars with awesome corny solos and laid back 90's slacker-indie vocals. He has some intense hc projects too but they're not as good. If you like Dinosaur Jr. YOU MUST CHECK HIM OUT!!! Dissed and Dismissed is one of my favorite records of this year! He's got a new EP coming out Oct 2013, too! He's from SF. He has better songs but this is the only one on youtube, :/.
Shannon and The Clams: Lo-fi, reverb-laden homage to obscure 40s-60s pop. Shannon's (ex-Hunx and his Punx) a babe and a real great singer. From Oakland.
Wild Moth: They just released a new album that's really good. They also have one (or two?) EPs. The S/T EP I have is good but 'OVER, AGAIN' is pretty fantastic. They cover a lot of ground, some songs are shoegaze-y, some songs are gloomy post-punk-y, some are hardcore-ish. They don't really commit to anything in particular and the result is a pretty unique sound. Sf...
FIDLAR: Stands for "**** it dog, life's a risk." They're from LA, which... meh... but their music (mostly) is pretty good. Garagey punk with some skate punk ties. Cheap Beer is arguably one of the best drinking songs in punk and the music video kicks ass. I! DRINK! CHEAP! BEER! SO! WHAT! ****! YOU!
Jawbreaker: 'nuff said, except that to be fair they did have some roots in New York(?)
This song seems underrated compared to staples of their discography.
Why can't I swear?
Censorship, on a website about