it's hard to choice favourite Beatles album since all of them are so frigging great. I mean, they were the greatest band ever and there are no fillers in their records. (Don't count Yellow Submarine or Revolution #9). But I'm gonna try anyway...
1. White Album: The quintessential album. The most diverse album. Hell, how many genres they covered?? Plus the melodies rule.
2. Probably Revolver.
3.Pepper, although I like MMT as much as Pepper.
4. Magical Mystery Tour
5. Abbey Road, B-side is the best album side ever but a-side includes some weaker songs (in Beatles' standards).
6. Please Please Me. THIS ONE ROCKS.
7. Rubber Soul, a good album but somewhat overrated, but includes In My Life which is their best song ever
8. Hard Days' Night. A silly pop masterpiece to end all the silly pop masterpieces, you know.
9. Help. Very great but somewhat boring.
10. Let It Be. Good album, great songs, but too much throwaways and bad production.
11.With The Beatles. An amazing record in 1963 standards.
12. Beatles For Sale, originals rule, but too many covers although they rule too.