Music Banter - View Single Post - Do you have any friends that are insane?
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Old 10-01-2013, 06:51 PM   #5 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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lol here comes an ableist shartstorm BS

got one real crazy friend. not like in the skydiving type of way, hes just an outrageous person. type of guy who goes to Spencers and drops $300 on black lights or racks up thousands of credit card debt only to win $5K at a slot machine. lived with him for a few years. saw lots of fights, lots of irresponsible purchases and behavior, saw him hump bagels and piss in orange juice, hit some ppl in his car, projectile shiit in a stairwell of crowded ppl one drunken night, just lots of things i never thought id see. hes awesome
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