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Old 09-30-2013, 06:51 PM   #13550 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Really looking forward to catching this film when I can, the cast alone makes it worth seeing.

The musician Plan B makes his directorial debut and damn is this a great film. A series of vignette's slowly draw together in the films last third with cause and causality, hope and hopelessness and unknowing redemption making a satisfying whole despite being set in the locale of South London - innit, bruv, ya get me vernacular spouting forth but there is a moral compass present and for a debut writer/director it is impressive stuff. The soundtrack by himself is impressive too with many of his tracks melding into narration for back stories of many of the characters.

I didn't know anything about this movie but on closer inspection we have Jeremy Renner who is an OK actor, Gemma Arterton in leather and Famke Janssen too so despite that awful title it was worth checking out and so glad I did. What an absolute blast! Everything Abe Lincoln Vamp Hunter should have been. Great action, OTT gore, tongue in cheek script and still retaining elements of the fairy tale. A great beer movie.

Despite the film being 16 years old, I never got around to watching this but glad I finally did. Based upon the novel by Carl Sagan (who I admire a lot) it touches upon many subjects: faith, religion, self belief, cosmology, physics but doesn't always maintain a consistent whole (it's part family drama, melodrama, sci fi, political thriller, action film) but for a big budget hollywood film it held my attention and certainly makes you think about faith and what it means to different people.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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