Virtually all religions are based on astrology and astronomy going back into prehistoric times.

An image of Taurus the bull at the Lascaux Cave from 16,500 years ago! The seven stars above the shoulder of the bull are the Pleiades and the belt of Orion is seen on the left. Compare that with more modern depictions of Taurus demonstrating our star map images are so ancient that they go back before modern human collective memory:

In this depiction showing both Orion and Taurus, we see the Old Testament story of Samson. In the story, Samson (Shimson or “Sun-Man”) slays a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass and then “he cast away the jawbone out of his hand, and called that place Ramathlehi. And he was sore athirst…[b]ut God clave an hollow place in the jaw, and there came water thereout” (Judges 15:17-19).
Now look at the image above. Orion is Samson and his left arm reaches up towards the jaw of Taurus which is the ass in the story. After slaying the Philistines, he is thirsty and God causes water to come out of the jaw. The water is the star cluster Hyades, the rainy daughters of Atlas, located in the jaw area and from whose name comes such words as “hydration.” Ramathlehi means “height of the jawbone” and refers to this area of the heavens (Rama was also an Indian solar deity that created the 12 signs of the zodiac). This was the sun entering Taurus.
Earlier, Samson also slew a lion (and coincidentally, Orion has a lion pelt slung over his arm) and found a swarm of bees in the lion’s carcass. The lion is Leo and the beehive is a nearby star cluster:
The meaning was that Samson the Celestial Hero releases the flood waters (the honey) of the Nile to bring life to the parched earth.
So Samson killing the lion with his bare hands was the sun entering Leo. The sun is strongest in Leo (and is called the ruler of Leo in astrology) and weakest in the sign opposite Leo in the zodiac which is Aquarius which the Hebrews originally called Delilah and in the story she shaves off his hair—the rays of the sun—so that he loses his power (Delilah means “One who weakened”). Delilah is the same as Lilith. Her name starts with the Hebrew “D” called daleth or “door” and the Proto-Semitic root “LYL” means “night.” She is the door to night. The door is what is known in astrology as the "cusp" through which the sun enters Aquarius and promptly loses his brightness and power at that time of year. Samson’s hair grows back as he moves onto the sign of Pisces, the two fish, which is the last sign in the zodiac, and there he dies between two pillars, a variation of the two fish, bringing an entire house down on top of him—the 12 houses of the zodiac which collapse at the end of the year.