Fermat's Room. Very decent little Spanish thriller that has the tension and feel of Cube with the mathematical vernacular of Primer. Four maths geniuses are in a room to solve enigmas but if they don't solve them within a minute the room shrinks on all sides and it's a guessing game as to why they are there. Implausible but very entertaining.

I heard so many bad things about this movie but after watching it I am like WTF people? it's based on a comic and pays homage to it, visually it looks superb and has some great set pieces. Sure the fight scenes are a little far fetched at times but it's ok when it's frigging Spider Man or whatever. I thought this was a little belter.

Sort of an Aussie version of The Commitments but with undertones of racial and political issues that enhance the story yet the film still keeps a warm heart and humour. Great soundtrack and well acted by all. A little gem.

I try my very best to hear about films across a multitude of platforms but still distance myself from the actual plot so Flight proved to be a welcome surprise and a far deeper film than it appears to be. I am going to say no more apart from the fact that Denzel Washington is superb in this film and your empathy changes throughout the film for him.