Originally Posted by Christian Benteke
I'd be more inclined to believe that if, like I said, he hadn't basically looked like a fish out of water since his first press conference.
I think he'll do OK but I very much doubt that's a mind game. Undermining what Fergie did last season was a bit  .
I doubt he'd undermine Fergie. In fact it'd be the last thing he'd want to do.
It's what convinces me its a blag.
Moyes is no fool.
Remember the original Mourinho Rooney bid he announced to the press.?
An insulting 10M bid designed to unsettle the player. I doubt he was even seriously wanting him.
Moyes put it out that it was 10M + Luiz and Mata. (equally unlikely)
In other words...you upset one of our players and we'll upset 2 of yours.