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Old 09-23-2013, 02:11 AM   #2744 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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wow what a dead thread lemme revive with fresh breath for the lungs

ok so paul smeenus - all i did was compliment dudes beard and looks and tho in the past he has seemed angry wtih me but i never got hostile with him or ever really talked to him much (he thinks im homophobe among other things), but tonight i made a comment in plug that was no way offensive and dude just went berzerk. got realrude towards me all the while i never responded back, just so shocking t me i thouht he was docile. he has vowed to never speak to me again but i lost a lot of respect for this dude today

christan benteeke - dude right here understands how humor bonds ppl. see hes a british soccer fan who drinks tea and im an american who likes guns and extra large meals but what makes us understand each other is the crude humor formin a bridge for our thoughts to travel on. cool dude

rez - still funniest member here and still bringin the misc humor. much needed lolz from him

herm - super tryhard max level

lord lareship - possibly psycho due to his thoughts on gun control but i can tell he has passion in his posts even if i think his passion os misguided and somewhat stupid

sparky/yorke/f.t.d - sympathetic to them cause they are vikes fans lol cool dudes tho

stay tuned thanks
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