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Old 09-14-2013, 09:09 PM   #13516 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post

Apollo 18 (2011)

Found footage in SPAAAAAAAAACE!

Seriously though I have no idea why I watched this movie, most found footage movies suck and the Netflix and IMDB review scores for this movie all said it was terrible. Occasionally something interesting like [REC or Paranormal Activity come along and make that subgenre work, but for the most part it's just a way for a director to cover up a lack of talent, money, or both. I'll admit though in this case the movie doesn't look that cheap and there are a few okay jump scares, but unless you have some debilitating mental condition and can't rest until you've seen every found footage movie, there's no reason to watch this.
It's funny. I just reviewed this movie and pretty much had the same reaction.

his was f*cking horrible. I like to keep my reviews PG-13 but every once in a while, like a movie now an then, I’ll slip a “f*ck” in there. Hey, I just did it twice. I think I broke the PG-13 mold. I had to do it though. This movie was that bad. The scares were cheap, what few there were. The acting was atrocious. The aliens were horribly stupid. I don’t even consider that a spoiler. This movie was so unoriginal what else did you expect besides horrible aliens. It as 90 minutes that felt like three hours.

Never watch this movie. I don’t really have much else to say. I’d be wasting more of my time.

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