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Old 09-13-2013, 07:17 AM   #58 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by Xaidoz View Post
Since I live in Israel, and I am relatively close to Syria where the civil war is ongoing, the whole thing truly concerns me. I was even scared it would spread to here, but I soon realized thats not gonna happen.....

Like most people(unless you are sadist) it is sickening for me to see the videos and photos of people being killed in various methods during the civil war over there. There is an urgent need for American interference over there and the news Ive heard lately about Obama considering to attack there soon, and then saying he's gonna wait instead afterwards.....I gotta admit that this cant wait. He should have ordered an attack long before even the chemical attacks in August occurred, since from what Ive heard.....they have already used chemical weapons in the civil war even before August 21.

Besides that, I have heard in the news that rockets were launched towards the northern part of Israel, but since I live in the central part it cannot reach the area that I live in.
thats some scary stuff man

i think the syrian government is in the wrong but also dont want to aid some of the groups on the rebels side. seems to me like this has turned into another ****e/suni war and groups are aligning kinda based on that
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