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Thread: World War Z
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Old 09-06-2013, 06:18 AM   #7 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by Exoskeletal View Post
Really? This isn't Pacific Rim. This isn't a movie marketed as as "just a bunch of zombies f*cking **** up". Pacific Rim was marketed as a movie about robots fighting monsters. That is a film that I would agree with you where character development doesn't really matter as much. World War Z however had less character development than Pacific Rim. Brad Pitt's family had no reason being in the film because I didn't give a sh*t about them. The phone calls that he got were completely pointless because I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. THAT IS WHAT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS FOR. If I don't care about the characters in the movie, why the hell am I going to care about what happens in the movie. If you say character development doesn't matter then you need to just come out and say that the only reason to like this movie is because there's like a bunch of cool zombie scenes and stuff.

Your view of how a movie should play out seems one dimensional. Why can we not have a movie NOT based around the characters experience and focusing on the linear chain of events going on in the world around them? The family was there for the simple reason of showing how few people were actually kept safe and how only the uber elite and useful were given sanctuary.

Also, the "chain of events" was written so poorly. Hey let's go to this country. Oh I have to go here? Okay, let's go here. Oh sh*t can't stay here. Lets go here. It played out like a bad video game.

It completely took me out of the movie. Plus, the aftermath of the plane event was also bonkers are stupid.

Stupid? It is exactly what happens when trying to find the root of a virus/disease. They go around and find patient 0.

A zombie is not a war machine. A zombie does not run at 30 mph or climb helicopters. Crazy fast zombies do not work unless you're making a film that does not call them zombies. 28 Days Later got away with this because they never claimed that the people chasing them were zombies. They were infected with rage. A zombie has no other functions other than feeding. It does not have the capacity to use any other function than walking. It's stupid. Also, I'll always take the real thing over CGI. When I can tell that what I'm looking at is computer generated it loses all of its effect.

As DJ said so what....If you want slow zombies without CGI go watch the 50 movies made 30 years ago that all follow these same guidelines. You are watching a FICTIONAL MADE UP STORY, so they can do whatever the hell people want them to, and be called whatever the hell people want. It is 2013 get used to it, technology changes and there will only be more of it, not less as time goes on.

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