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Old 09-04-2013, 06:25 AM   #4861 (permalink)
Boozy Lad
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Originally Posted by Christian Benteke View Post

What is the financial situation like at Newcastle? I swear he has actually spent money in the past? Why tighten the purse strings now? The best thing to do would be to spend to keep them in the PL for the next few seasons because of the TV money surely?
In a nutshell, he's keeping it tight, hoping on the odd big sale where he can reinvest say half of that and pocket the rest so we can stabilize and continue to operate at a profit. Then he can use the TV deal to directly pay off the clubs debt to him, after that he can directly help himself to club profits until someone buys us, I guess he's hoping that someone will look at one of the only self sufficient clubs in England and consider investing in them, but all these ****ing saudis seem happy to go in for Sheffield or Forest
Originally Posted by Goofle11 View Post
That's your opinion but you are wrong.
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