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Old 09-03-2013, 11:02 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Newkie View Post
Typical that manure fans are crying when they still go out and blow 25 mil on a player. We were the only club to not actually buy anyone, every team in the league has strengthened, they may have lost players in certain areas but I don't think many are weaker, but we certainly are.
I see what you're saying, fair enough they've spent 27.5m, but they've also had a turnover of over 300m and it's gone straight into the owners' pocket and paid off some interest on the debt. They've been announcing deals galore all summer with tomato juice, tyre and other pointless companies, sold the naming rights to Carrington for 150m, they're constantly told the money is there, unlimited budget and yet it's never spent. They could spend 150m net every year and still fall in line with FFP and they're resorting to the nonsense you saw last night .

That Herrera deal was a joke and the player is raging, he offered to take a wage cut and pay for part of the deal himself and United pulled the plug, he's gonna speak about it later today. It's obvious the club won't spend more than 30m a year, I'd be raging too if that was Villa.

Most fans hoping this means a sale is on the horizon but I don't see one coming that soon. If we're lucky we'll manage to struggle on for two or three seasons, allow Ashley to take all of the new TV money out of the club, get his money and **** off.
What is the financial situation like at Newcastle? I swear he has actually spent money in the past? Why tighten the purse strings now? The best thing to do would be to spend to keep them in the PL for the next few seasons because of the TV money surely?
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