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Old 09-03-2013, 10:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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guitar bizarre - i used to make fun of him for living his parents attic which his mom decorated in a neo-psychedelic scheme, which has led to a bit of an irrational grudge on his part. I could fart roses and he'd complain about my being insensitive to those who suffer from allergies.

trollheart - has a problem with me, had a problem with me, will always have a problem with me

vanilla - has given me about a zillion warnings and thats alright

that one guy - is a prick anyways

plankton is pretty cool

the batlord is cool

djchameleon is alright even if he dickrides obama

awwsugar is cool but sometimes makes me scratch my balls in wonder
Have mercy on the poor.
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