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Old 09-02-2013, 07:10 PM   #4 (permalink)
butthead aka 216
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
the thousands of dead people throughout the world aren't being killed by chemical attacks near countries that are our allies though.

You keep saying you know that troops won't be on the ground yet in your next sentence you say let's send troops and piss off Russia/more of the middle east.

The middle east is going to be pissed off regardless of what we do but in my opinion it's better to DO something than to just sit off on the sidelines doing nothing with our thumbs up our asses.
i was clearly sarcastic i thought when i said to piss off russia

so if the middle east is goin to be pissed off anyways, u want to send high powered weaponry over there??

so we would be arming groups of ppl who generally hate our country. i would like to prevent a future conflict where our own troops are bein killed with weapons that we provided to the enemy if possible

to my knowledge syria hasnt attacked any of our allies have they??
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