Thought this would be amusing for you lot. I lurk on a United forum:
So Glazernomics has finally kicked in.... Any protests now will be embarrassing.
Hope you wait and see cunts are proud of yourselves.
It's with great sadness I have to agree. A complete and shambolic summer. A very very average manager appointment, a compete dickwad of a CEO and Fellaini! It's just a nightmare that won't end. Moyes is a dead man walking?
Its fucking true so shut the fuck up you blue bastard. Our club was fucked in the arse in 2005. A shite transfer window changes nothing. Anyone crying now is a faggot who is throwing toys out of the pram. It was obvious what was going to happen
It's been in full flow since 2005. We just haven't got competent people running the show for them any longer.
A dark shameful weekend for United
You actually couldn't make this up. 'Laughing stock' doesn't come close to covering it.
Absolute fucking joke, fuck off you incompetent cunts.
Reading between the lines, the Glazers didn't want to spend £60m
Absolutes cunts, hope their family is wiped out by a house fire
Was thinking exactly the same earlier.
It's fucking incredible.
They've lost the greatest manager ever and failed to do anything to strengthen the squad.
I'm convinced they don't care. They'lll run the team into the ground and sell
Shut up you big purple bellend
Seriously what the fuck has happened
I'm disgusted. This really is a fucking joke. Fuck off.