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Thread: Punk Wars
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Old 09-01-2013, 08:39 PM   #5 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
Killing Joke was pretty damn good live....Sisters of Mercy was like seeing an arena band in a smoke filled club....but still pretty amazing
Saw Killing Joke on their Extremities tour and found them in excellent forum. Intense! I also had (still have, but only now through Internet connection...moved) a friend who got me into Killing Joke. It was interesting that he had The Courtauld Talks which was far more interesting than the album it was talking about (Outside the Gate), but I was possibly the most sold on that album alone. I once had the Fire Dances/Ha! double play cassette which was a very enjoyable car tape, although the best things is that the vinyl I bought then I still have now.

Never caught the Sisters, although I would have took a time machine and went back to the start of it all instead. I like, but not really love, the Floodland/Vision Thing era. For some reason, I never really caught on to them although I seriously liked the early singles and heard their music to be quite enjoyable.

As the vote's closed on that battle, there's no need to place numbers, but I would have upped the KJ number to 4 if I would have joined that in progress.
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