Originally Posted by The Batlord
Not our part of the world, not our citizens, not our government in jeopardy, not our war.
What happens when we do nothing and another faction decides that they are going to use chemical weapons too. Then another, then another. That stuff gets into the oceans, into the wind and innocent countries can suffer the consequences.
And if you could explain how exactly Syria using chemical weapons should concern the entire world then I could actually go about discussing this point.
Nearly every nation has signed and ratified the
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction in the Hague. Two have signed but not ratified--Myanmar and Israel. Here are the rest that haven't done either: North Korea, Angola, South Sudan, Egypt and Syria. Those five just happen to be the most volatile places on earth. And I'm sure if we sit back and do nothing there's no chance this will escalate--naaaaaw, couldn't happen.
So...you agree that getting involved in a volatile situation with unknown variables, outcomes, and consequences is a bad idea?
It's a perfectly horrible idea. But even that is better than no idea. We have to show these nations who are willing to use chemical weapons that we will f-uck them up and drag ourselves into another hopeless war if that's what they really want.
But, again, I want to make clear that this is based on the use of chemical weapons being proved beyond a doubt. We're idiots if we allow ourselves to get sucked into another WMD bulls-hit wild goose chase. If it's just a bombs and bullets war then f-uck it. I want nothing to do with it.
First of all, what does this have to do with Iraq?
Everything from our end of it. The world is still sore about us invading Iraq over non-existent WMD. We cannot go into Syria using the same rationale unless it is proven to the world beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Secondly, why is it too late? It's never too late to start thinking in the long term.
Bush's war cost us $120 BILLION dollars a day, killed over 100,000 innocent people, allowed thieves called "contractors" to steal billions from the US Treasury that will never be recovered, destroyed the lives of countless soldiers, lost us any hope of winning in Afghanistan, allowed Iran to rise up unchecked, precipitated the financial meltdown that tanked our economy--and you're worried about what happening?