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Old 08-30-2013, 02:14 PM   #10 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Originally Posted by butthead aka 216 View Post
i agree that 'small government' is sort of a rallying cry from ppl who dont really understand what it means

as for outrage, that isnt going to come until society is at the point where enough ppl are literally starving. you can claim there is outrage now that the whistleblowers have done their thing but its largely internet outrage. how many ppl rioted or really did anythin when the nsa stuff broke?? ppl just complained because in the large scheme of things in didnt change their situation in life one bit. our government has always been well calculated liars.
What worries me about the NSA-leakers thing is not the spying programs themselves which are overblown by internet bloggers but it demonstrates that we are turning into a conspiracy-based society. Virtually everything we learned from the leakers we should have already known. It was truly old news. But people are acting like this is some explosive new info. Why is that? Well, it appears to me that the nature of the way of the info came out is what interests them, not the info itself. A news reporter or network uncovering the US's spying operation some 7 years ago didn't interest people because it wasn't leaked by a govt worker. Somehow it being leaked makes ALL the difference. Ah ha! PROOF! We caught 'em with the pants down! Unless news is released like a conspiracy has been uncovered, people don't care. Our lunatic fringe isn't a fringe anymore. We think in terms of conspiracies now.

Look how many people believe in stupid stuff like chem trails. I know intelligent people who believe this stuff. I know reasonable people who think the Twin Towers were blown up from the inside despite how ridiculous the notion is.

for the record i believe the jfk conspiracy too
Well, there ARE questions to be asked there, I think. Isn't it odd, for example, that two people up to their eyeballs in the JFK thing were also intimately involved in the UFO craze in the late 40s? Fred Crisman was believed by Jim Garrison to be one of the three hobos. While it's not likely that he was, it was interesting that his name came up. Why? Well, if you look up the Maury Island UFO story from '47, he was the supervisor of the guy on the salvager who saw the UFOs--and Crisman was military pilot in the OSS/CIA!! Look it up. Then there was the deputy director of the CIA, General Charles Cabell, who was fired by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, was also the guy who released the memos to military pilots authorizing the use of deadly force against UFOs back in '47 or '48! Weird that these two guys would be connected by two entirely different events some 20 years apart, isn't it? Then remember that Cabell's brother, Earle, was mayor of Dallas at the time JFK was killed. Strange, eh? Could all be coincidence but is it?

some day once our society keeps goin down this self destructive path, in the likely distant future, a small group of ppl will do somethin extreme. bomb some political buildings or something. their message and reasoning will be distorted and they will be almost universally hated in death because of the collateral damage.
Buddy, if you only knew how easy it is. Let me give a scenario that's so easy, it's amazing it hasn't already happened: You can order anthrax from laboratories or go to Mexico and collect it yourself from cattle. You can bring it back to the US and set up an anthrax factory in your apartment. You can order the equipment off the internet, no questions asked. You can make an anthrax slurry, fill a super-soaker with it and cruise around areas with truck stops and what not looking for pigs, chickens, cows on their way to market. Pull up next to it and just start wetting them down with your slurry and then take off and find another. These animals are sold in huge sale barns and will come in contact with thousands of other animals spreading the disease. By the time they show symptoms, a lot of these animals will have already been sold and butchered and that meat on the shelves in stores. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of people could be infected before anyone figured it out.

not even sure what im talkin about or where im headed here tbh
I only wish you didn't what you were talking about. It's probably going to happen.

i try to put any war related issues into historical context because its easy to forget the centuries of heinous war acts. its much more savage than the current societal climate suggests i think.
I think America is hurtling towards another civil war. The Reds against the Blues. The hatreds are out of hand.
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