Originally Posted by djchameleon
It's short-sighted not to intervene. I'm sure intelligence is weighing the options of what the outcome would be with or without intervention. It's not just a decision that's being made hastily and without forethought regardless of what other events has happened in the past.
Why? Because it will lead to more chemical attacks? We already knew they were killing their own people. Now they're just doing it in an even less politically correct manner. As far as I'm concerned nothing has changed. Let them do what they're going to do. Our involvement is only going to cause unforseen problems for them and for us.
And I'd just like to say that if you want us to intervene then you should feel some obligation to join the military or at least in some way to support the military in any way you can besides just talking. If you want to send others to die for your moral beliefs that you have no desire to back up with your own actions then that is unconscionable and is why these pointless wars happen in the first place.