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Old 08-30-2013, 09:30 AM   #8 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Ya, DJ Chameleon. The U.N. has actually come out and accused Syrian rebels of using chemical weapons: link

Oh snap. You mean has anyone substantiated reports that the Syrian Government used Chemical Weapons? No, because Rebel groups refuse to allow U.N. inspectors in.

Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
In the end they are probably not going to do anything and just show Syria that it's okay to use chemical attacks against civilians because other countries are tired of always getting involved and then terrorist groups will roll with this and decide that chemical attacks are the way to go.

Expect to see more chemical attacks happening because everyone's whining about "oh the west shouldn't get involved"
Not quite. Saddam Hussein made far more extensive use of gas against the Kurds in the 90s, and his usage of it in the Iran-Iraq War is certainly not forgotten either. Did the lack of response by the international community result in a surge of chemical warfare immediately following either example? No.
Have mercy on the poor.
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