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Old 08-29-2013, 01:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Manowar- Fighting the World

Manowar - Fighting the World

Well, this album is a joke to me (while I'm at it, I'll mention that my avatar is nothing more than a joke, either). So I decided to sit down and listen to it, read the album booklet, and review it. For the hell of it. My first review was of one of the best albums I've ever heard, the second is one of the cheesiest. Here goes.

I couldn't resist photoshopping He-Man into that picture.

1. Fighting the World
They say "fight" and "fighting" a lot. I looked in the album booklet and counted. They say it 54 times in a 3:46 runtime. According to my calculations, that'd be one "fight" or "fighting" roughly every fourth second throughout the song. I don't know everything there is to know about metal, but this is not it.

2. Blow Your Speakers
This one is kind of repetitive too. At least they don't say "rock and roll" 54 times in it.

3. Carry On
I like it a lot better than the first two tracks. It's not obviously about heavy metal and rock and roll, so it comes off as less ironic.

4. Violence and Bloodshed
Something is starting to happen here. This is the first song on the album I'd consider to be "real" metal. The first three tracks are just cheesy rock songs, even though two of them are about metal. I got some faith back in this album upon listening to this. My first listen to the album only consisted of the first three tracks, and then I put it away for a month before I dared to touch it again.

5. Defender
I want less talk, and more music! This song requires me to listen to the lyrics, when I want to listen to the riffs.

6. Drums of Doom
There's no real point of talking about this. It's horses, thunder and bells turning into the intro of the next track.

7. Holy War
What is there to say? It doesn't really stand out, except for the fact that it's neither a lame rock ode to metal or something made entirely for filling in empty spots. That's standing out, since there's three of those songs on this album.

8. Master of Revenge
I just mentioned filler tracks, here's one of them. As with Drums of Doom, I'm not even going to bother talking about it.

9. Black Wind, Fire and Steel
Proper song-ish. The chorus gets really annoying, the last time I thought it'd never end. Seriously, it lasted forever. I thought repeating it four times was bad enough, but the last one totally ruined the entire song.

Listening to this again only confirmed my first impression of the album, and what The Batlord told me. Twice. Avoid this. For your own good. Unless you're participating in some sort of drinking game. 4/10
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