Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
I think it would be a horrible choice in that instant then. Half the girls I know would think some random guy spiked a drink.
Smart girls wouldn't take a drink from a guy but it happens all the time.
Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
It doesn't go both ways. I go out on a date to get to know somebody. I expect nothing but a thank you at the end of the night. I have no idea what the 3 date rule is. Is that where your inner caveman comes out and you drag the girl back to your room by her hair? 
It does go both ways. Your specific experience isn't a catch all rule. Just like what I'm talking about isn't how everyone conducts themselves but a large majority do. You only expect a thank you at the end of the night because you sir are a gentleman. There are plenty of douchebags that want at the very least a kiss at the end of the night for paying for the date. By date 3 they are expecting their date to give it up for them paying for 3 dates. Women expect guys to pay for their dates especially if they were the ones asking for the dates in the first place. I'm sure I can pull up studies showing how many women want their dates to pay for the date they go on. Yes this has changed somewhat with the economic climate but there are still princesses out there that will not go out with a guy unless he's paying for the date.