ki - on his ignore list now but i dunno if he believes what he says or does it to please his gf. but it is frustratin to speak with him
guitar - ummm i dunno i kinda like him despite not likin him. i think i like the way that i dont like him. we had a good feminism argument the other day. he argued nicely but he is a little bit brainwashed and called me stupid but at the end of the day it was a decent convo
fred hale - we got a lil snarky talkin bout vasectomy. but through pm i realize that wasnt his intention and we were able to apologize and be cool
arya - over/under 21 days til next ban im takin bets please pm me, thanks
rezz - bringin the funny from misc to mb
antonio - unsung hero this guy is in plug sometimes playin cool music and generalyl seems like an aight dude
franc pepe kalle - obvious troll is obvious. also idiotic