You're Next

It had an interesting concept and could have been better but good grief was it missing a few things. It's hard to say what exactly it was missing but all the pieces weren't there. I liked the comedy bits that it did have but it was just a slaughterfest. Go into this movie knowing that there is going to be loads of deaths and lots of gore.
The World's End

Oh man this movie hit the spot. It was just what I needed after seeing You're Next the day before. It's also a perfect end to the Trilogy. I don't even know if they are technically calling it a trilogy but there are plenty of little easter eggs to look for from the other two movies. I laughed each time I noticed one of them.
The Broken

Don't ask. I still have no idea what I just watched. I just finished it not too long ago and I will go check out the wikipedia page to figure out the ending and what really went on.